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Itä-Suomen yliopisto
Associate Professor, Orthodontics (Tenure Track)
Posted on Nov. 21, 2024
- Kuopio, Finland
- 0 - 0 USD (yearly)
- Temporary
We are seeking an Associate Professor of Orthodontics (Tenure Track) to the Faculty of Health Sciences. The post will be based on the Kuopio campus and will begin on 1 May 2025, or as agreed. The post will be filled for a four-year term. Please find more information below, and submit your application by 13 December 2024.
Role and salary
The Associate Professor of Orthodontics (Tenure Track) will work at the Institute of Dentistry of the School of Medicine on the Kuopio campus.
The duties of the Associate Professor include:
- leading of research projects,
- active acquisition of research funding,
- acting in international networks,
- acting in national and international expert positions in the field,
- providing education in the field,
- promoting teaching, supervision and scientific research in the field,
- supervising Bachelor’s theses and advanced level theses, theses included in specialist education in dentistry in the field of orthodontics, and doctoral dissertations,
- developing and coordinating teaching provided to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students (both Bachelor’s and licentiate degree students in dentistry and logopedics students), as well as in specialist education in dentistry the field of orthodontics, and
- participating in research projects and administrative duties within the school/department/subject.
The language of instruction in the post can be Finnish or English. In the post of Associate Professor, the Dean of the faculty may grant an exemption from the language proficiency requirements laid down in the Government Decree.
The post will be filled for a fixed term from 1 May 2025 to 30 April 2029. The post is filled for a fixed term due to it being a Tenure Track position. A probationary period is applied to new members of the staff.
External expert evaluation will be used in the recruitment. After the experts have submitted their statements, the Committee preparing the filling of the post will interview the applicant.
The salary of the post is based on the salary system for the teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. The salary consists of a job-related salary element and a personal salary element. The job-related salary element is based on level 7 of the job requirement level chart. In addition, a personal salary element is paid, which is 6–50% of the job-related salary element. Depending on the personal salary element, the salary at the beginning of the relationship is approximately EUR 5,010 - 5,400/month.
In the currently vacant position, the Tenure Track can be entered from the Associate Professor level onwards. At the end of the term, the achievements of the person will be evaluated to determine whether they can proceed to the next level of the Tenure Track without public notice of vacancy. The criteria, goals and results to be achieved during the term in order to be legally invited to a professorship in the field will be agreed upon in detail with the appointee when signing the contract of employment.
Our requirements and expectations
- a suitable doctoral degree,
- good teaching skills,
- fulfilment of the qualification requirements of a professor by the end of the term; and
- excellent written and spoken language skills in English.
The following will be considered an advantage
- ability to acquire external research funding,
- a track record of high-quality research and publication activities,
- experience of teaching duties and of developing education,
- other achievements in teaching and supervision,
- pedagogical studies,
- cooperation skills and a positive attitude.
We offer you
- You will have the opportunity to work in an interesting, meaningful and diverse role as part of our international, creative, participatory and inclusive academic community.
- The opportunity for flexible multi-location work.
- The staff benefits of the University of Eastern Finland, including extensive occupational health care, broad selection of staff training, staff discount on lunch in our campus restaurants as well as on a range of other services, affordable sports services and a tax-free bike benefit. Please read more in the Work at UEF section on our website.
Enjoy your life in Finland! Known for its cleanliness, welfare know-how, modern technology and superb education system, Finland is an exotic and safe country to work in. Please visit the Life in Finland section on our website to learn more.
How to apply
Submit your application by using the electronic application form no later than 13 December 2024 by 24:00 (midnight) Finnish time (UTC+2).
Please note that the applications must contain the following appendices in English:
- a curriculum vitae (TENK instructions).
- a list of publications (Research Council of Finland instructions).
- a portfolio of teaching merits (Faculty of Health Sciences instructions). The teaching merits can also be included in the CV.
- copies of your highest academic degree certificate / diploma).
- a written description (max 2 pages), in which you tell about your views on developing research and education in the field.
Further information on the position is provided by Professor Timo Peltomäki, tel. +358 40 566 8056,
For further information on how to apply and on the application process is provided by Executive Head of Administration Hanna Ollikainen-Richards, +358 40 355 2163,
Terveystieteiden tiedekunta toimii Itä-Suomen yliopiston Kuopion kampuksella. Tiedekunnassa koulutetaan lääkäreitä, hammaslääkäreitä, ravitsemusterapeutteja, farmaseutteja ja proviisoreja sekä muita keskeisiä asiantuntijoita terveydenhuollon eri aloille. Tiedekunta on hyvin tutkimusintensiivinen. Kansainvälisesti korkeatasoinen ja monitieteinen tutkimus kytkeytyy vahvasti yliopiston strategiassa tunnistettuihin tutkimusalueisiin. Tiedekunnassa on noin 3090 perustutkinto-opiskelijaa ja noin 580 jatko-opiskelijaa. Henkilökuntaa tiedekunnassa on 800.
Itä-Suomen yliopisto (UEF) on Suomen monialaisin tiedeyliopisto. Yliopistossamme työskentelee noin 3 200 työntekijää, ja yhteisöömme kuuluu noin 17 000 tutkinto-opiskelijaa ja 16 000 aikuisopiskelijaa. Kampuksemme toimivat Joensuussa ja Kuopiossa. Tutkimuksemme on useilla aloilla maailman kärkeä, ja tuotamme tutkittua tietoa avoimesti käytettäväksi ja kaikkien hyväksi. Tutustu yliopistoomme verkossa Tutustu myös yliopistoon työyhteisönä ja työnantajana sekä työntekijöidemme uratarinoihin.
Työsopimuksen voimassaolo: määräaikainen työsopimus | Työsuhteen luonne: kokoaikainen | Paikkojen lukumäärä: 1 | Työllisyysaste: 100 | Paikkakunta: Kuopio | Maakunta: | Maa: Finland | Ilmoitusnumero: 6008/01.01.02/2024 | Yhteys: Timo Peltomäki +358405668056, | Julkaistu: 2024-11-20 | Haku päättyy: 2024-12-13Customize Your Resume to Match this Job
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