There are 11 current job openings at Arendt & Medernach
COMPANY Arendt Investor Services S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Graduate ARENDT INVESTOR SERVICES Arendt Investor Services (AIS) is the investor services’ arm of Arendt. We help clients to efficiently run the operational side of their business, bringing peace of mind to investors. Equipped with the latest technology, …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt Investor Services S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Experienced Arendt Investor Services (AIS) is the investor services’ arm of Arendt. We help clients to efficiently run the operational side of their business, bringing peace of mind to investors. Equipped with the latest technology, our 300 experts …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt & Medernach CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Experienced Arendt & Medernach is the leading independent business law firm in Luxembourg with over 800 professionals. The firm’s international team of more than 450 legal experts represents Luxembourg and foreign clients in all areas of Luxembourg business law …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt Investor Services S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Experienced ARENDT INVESTOR SERVICES Arendt Investor Services (AIS) is the investor services’ arm of Arendt. We help clients to efficiently run the operational side of their business, bringing peace of mind to investors. Equipped with the latest technology, …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt Investor Services S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Experienced ARENDT INVESTOR SERVICES Arendt Investor Services (AIS) is the investor services’ arm of Arendt. We help clients to efficiently run the operational side of their business, bringing peace of mind to investors. Equipped with the latest technology, …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt Investor Services S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Graduate ARENDT INVESTOR SERVICES Arendt Investor Services (AIS) is the investor services’ arm of Arendt. We help clients to efficiently run the operational side of their business, bringing peace of mind to investors. Equipped with the latest technology, …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt Investor Services S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Graduate ARENDT INVESTOR SERVICES Arendt Investor Services (AIS) is the investor services’ arm of Arendt. We help clients to efficiently run the operational side of their business, bringing peace of mind to investors. Equipped with the latest technology, …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt & Medernach CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Experienced Arendt & Medernach is the leading independent business law firm in Luxembourg with over 800 professionals. The firm’s international team of more than 450 legal experts represents Luxembourg and foreign clients in all areas of Luxembourg business law …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt Investor Services S.A. CONTRACT TYPE Traineeship SENIORITY LEVEL Trainee Arendt Investor Services (AIS) is the investor services’ arm of Arendt. We help clients to efficiently run the operational side of their business, bringing peace of mind to investors. Equipped with the latest technology, our 300 experts provide clients …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Arendt Regulatory and Consulting CONTRACT TYPE Unfixed term contract SENIORITY LEVEL Experienced Arendt Regulatory & Consulting (ARC) is Arendt’s dedicated regulatory consulting arm composed of diverse and experienced professionals with a strong background in regulatory and business consultancy. Our 120 experts offer regulatory consulting and advisory services and assistance …
Luxembourg, L0L, LuxembourgCOMPANY Amanco CONTRACT TYPE Traineeship SENIORITY LEVEL Trainee AManco S.A. is the alternative investment fund manager with Arendt. It is wholly owned by Arendt Services and is regulated and supervised by the Luxembourg supervisory authority (CSSF – Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier). AManco S.A. has the capacity to manage …
Luxembourg, L0L, Luxembourg