There are 32 current job openings at University of Southern Denmark
One PhD position in bioorganic chemistry is available in the group of Professor Jasmin Mecinovic at the Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark. Project background Posttranslational modifications on nucleosomal core and linker histone proteins are central to transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes and are thus of fundamental importance …
Odense, D83, DenmarkWeb Design and Digital Media Specialist at The Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering The Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (DME), part of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sothern Denmark, offers a part-time position (01.02.2025 - 30.06.2026) as a Student Helper for its military drone project. …
Sønderborg, D83, DenmarkForskningsenheden Fysisk Aktivitet og Sundhed i Arbejdslivet på SDU Campus Odense, søger to studentermedhjælpere fra 1. Januar og frem til 30. november 2025 til varetagelse af forskellige opgaver relateret til forskerteamets aktiviteter og forskningsprojekter – særligt ift. disse projekter: ”Analyseværktøjer i slagteribranchen” og ”SDU bevæger sig”. Opgavebeskrivelse Opgaverne for studentermedhjælpernee …
Odense, D83, DenmarkStudent helper at SDU Center for Energy Informatics SDU Center for Energy Informatics is looking for a new student helper. Are you an engineering student who have a programming background, looking for practical experience in developing interactive tools that can solve scientific and practical challenges? Responsibilities The main task to …
Odense, D83, DenmarkBarselsvikariat søges til sekretærstilling for to forskningsgrupper Da vores nuværende forskningssekretær går på barsel til april 2025, søger Biologisk Institut på Syddansk Universitet i Odense en barselsvikar (HK-overenskomst, 30 timer om ugen) fra den 17. marts 2025 til udgangen af februar 2026, eventuelt med mulighed for forlængelse. Biologisk Institut har …
Odense, D83, DenmarkWe are looking for a full-time laboratory technician to join Professor Amelia Rotaru’s team within the largest section Nordcee, at the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Southern Denmark. The lab conducts research in applied and environmental microbiology with a particular focus on electroactive microorganisms, microbe-mineral/metal, …
Odense, D83, DenmarkStudent assistant position to the material flow analysis and sustainability assessment, The SDU Department of Green Technology (IGT) invites applications for a student assistant position focused on material flow analysis and sustainability assessment. The ideal candidate is studying environmental technology or a related field and has prior knowledge of material …
Odense, D83, DenmarkPå Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet på SDU har vi en fireårig projektstilling, 37 timer pr. uge til besættelse fra 1. januar 2025. Ansættelsessted er Odense. Om Projektet "Min Digitale Kompetenceportfolio" er et strategisk initiativ under Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet på SDU. Projektet har som mål at fremme de studerendes trivsel, læring og …
Odense, D83, DenmarkSDU Mechatronics and the Centre of Industrial Mechanics, part of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg, invites applications for a research position as PhD in embedded AI systems. Starting date is negotiable, preferably 2nd quarter of 2025. The application deadline is January 31, 2025, …
Sønderborg, D83, DenmarkSDU Life Cycle Engineering (SDU LCE) er en international forskningsenhed på Institut for Grøn Teknologi. SDU LCE søger en selvstændig, serviceminded og administrativt stærk projektkoordinator, som kan bistå enhedens leder med en lang række administrative opgaver samt i tæt samarbejde med gode kollegaer opsøge og løse selvstændige opgaver i SDU …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Faculty of Humanities are seeking to appoint a DIAS Assistant Professor to contribute to the interdisciplinary field of organisational communication. DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track positions run for up to six years, after which tenure will be offered subject to positive …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) seeks an outstanding candidate to fill a Fully tenured Professor position in the field of Fate of Chemicals in Circular Systems. This critical area of research focuses on the occurrence and transformation of chemicals in circular …
Odense, D83, DenmarkVil du være med til at give de kommende studerende på Klinisk biomekanik og Medicin en god start på studiet? Om jobbet Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet søger nye faglige tutorer for Klinisk biomekanik og Medicin til studiestart februar 2025. Stillingerne kan søges af studerende på SDU, der læser Medicin på 6. …
Odense, D83, DenmarkStudentermedhjælper til baneplanlægning Vi søger en studenterprogrammør til softwareudvikling i forbindelse med et forskningsprojekt relateret til vedligehold af fusionsreaktorer. Dette indbefatter baneplanlægning for robotter, der skal løfte meget tunge komponenter. Specifikt skal der designes trajektorier, der overholder robotternes dynamiske begrænsninger og samtidig undgår kollisioner og vibrationer. til brug i forbindelse …
Odense, D83, DenmarkVed Juridisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, og med tjenestested i Odense, vil et antal stillinger som ekstern lektor i offentlig ret være ledig til besættelse den 1. februar 2025 eller efter nærmere aftale. Stillingerne er tidsbegrænset til 3 år. De eksterne lektorer skal, i samarbejde med de fagansvarlige på instituttet og …
Odense, D83, DenmarkMotiveres du af at udvikle mennesker, processer og strategi? Kan du skabe struktur og effekt i en kompleks hverdag? Har du øje for, hvordan et strategisk sekretariat i en IT-afdeling kan bidrage til at skabe værdi og kvalitet for både medarbejdere, ledelsen og resten af Syddansk Universitet? Så læs videre! …
Odense, D83, DenmarkStudent helper for SamExpri at Department of Business & Management. As a student assistant you will be working an average of 7 hours a week. We prioritize a high degree of work commitment, but we allow for flexibility in periods with extra workload (e.g., we are flexible during exam periods). …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Department of Culture and Language is offering one fully funded 24 months postdoc position starting on September 1, 2025 , or as soon as possible thereafter. The postdoc will be based at SDU, Odense. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate to undertake postdoctoral research as part of a …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Digital Democracy Centre (DDC), an interdisciplinary centre at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, in cooperation with The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) seeks strong candidates for a vacant position as Full Professor and DIAS Chair in Digital Communication with a …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Department of Business and Sustainability at University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a joint position as tenure-track assistant professor as of August 1, 2025, or as agreed. In line with DIAS’s unique and ambitious research aims, your teaching obligation …
Kolding, D83, DenmarkA DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track position in Biology is open at the Department of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) affiliated with the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) . DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track positions run for up to six years, after which tenure will be …
Odense, D83, DenmarkA Full Professor position in Biology is open at the Department of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in 2025 (start date to be negotiated). The position is associated with the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) as DIAS Chair facilitates the establishment of an internationally competitive research …
Odense, D83, DenmarkDet Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet på Syddansk Universitet søger en el-tekniker til vores værksted (37 timer pr. uge) til snarlig ansættelse. Har du lyst til at arbejde med spritnye, state-of-the-art forskningsfaciliteter og hjælpe nogle af landets førende forskere indenfor molekylær medicin og klinisk forskning? Ønsker du afvekslende opgaver med knalddygtige kolleger og …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Centre for Quantum Mathematics (QM) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 1-year position as Postdoctoral Fellow in the group of Asst. Prof. Apoorv Tiwari with possibility of extension. We seek a postdoc with expertise in the field …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense) invites applications for one or more postdoctoral research fellowship in computer science under the umbrella of the Danish Foundation Models ( ) initiative. The proposed starting date is 1 January 2025 or soon thereafter. The …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense) invites applications for several PhD scholarships in computer science under the umbrella of the Danish Foundation Models initiative . The proposed starting date is 1 January 2025 or soon thereafter. The appointment will be made for …
Odense, D83, DenmarkDen centrale analyseenhed ved Syddansk Universitet, SDU Analytics, søger to analytikere til ansættelse i faste stillinger inden for uddannelsesområdet i enheden. Din profil som analytiker Du kan være nyuddannet eller mere erfaren analytiker. Det væsentlige for os er ikke din uddannelsesbaggrund, men at du evner at arbejde struktureret med et …
Odense, D83, DenmarkLitteraturvidenskab søger en studiementor fra 1. februar 2025 og 1 år frem. Stillingen er berammet til ca. 80 arbejdstimer pr. år. Alle studerende på uddannelsen kan søge. Ansøgeren skal kunne deltage i et 2-dages Grundkursus for Studiementorer på SDU, som kommer til at ligge i februar eller marts 2023 (dispensation …
Odense, D83, DenmarkStudent worker position to the development and operation of robotic systems Odense, Denmark SDU Center of Large Structure Production (LSP) hereby invites applicants for an open position as student assistant in relation to the development and operation of robotic systems. The preferred applicant studies Robotics or a related field and …
Odense, D83, DenmarkStudentermedhjælp søges til praktiske ad hoc-opgaver for studielederen i forbindelse med forberedelse og afvikling af diverse arrangementer, samt varetage kommunikationen på Litteraturvidenskabs SoMe platforme (karriere- og kandidatreception, m.m.) ca. 20 timer pr. semester med start fra den 15. december 2024. Stillingen forudsætter, at man har kørekort og bil. Har du …
Odense, D83, DenmarkSDU søger 250 online uniTEST-vagter til forårets optagelsesprøver i kvote 2 (uniTEST) Er du serviceminded og imødekommende og vil du være med til at gøre en forskel for og give et godt førstehåndsindtryk af SDU til over 7000 ansøgere? Vil du være en del af et fællesskab, opbygge netværk på …
Odense, D83, DenmarkThe Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Campus Odense, invites applications for 2 (two) Postdoc Positions in Computer Science , fully funded by a major research project from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF). The successful applicants would become part of the Data …
Odense, D83, Denmark