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Research Assistant (Summer Trainee), 20-30 Positions (Physics Unit) / Tutkimusapulainen (Kesätyöntekijä), 20-30 Tehtävää (Fysiikan Yksikkö)
Posted on Dec. 19, 2024
- Tampere, Finland
- 0 - 0 USD (yearly)
- Temporary

Research Assistant (summer trainee), 20-30 positions (Physics Unit) / Tutkimusapulainen (kesätyöntekijä), 20-30 tehtävää (Fysiikan yksikkö)
Tampere University is the second largest university and one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We bring together research and education in technology, health, and society. The University is known for its excellence in teaching and research, and it collaborates with hundreds of universities and organisations worldwide. Our community consists of 21 000 students and over 4 000 staff members from more than 80 countries. Read
The Physics Unit invites applications for several (20-30) summer trainee positions in the research areas of Aerosol Physics, Computational Physics and Photonics. The call is primarily aimed at students of Tampere University in the fields of science and engineering.
Job description
Summer trainees will work in the research groups in many different assisting tasks. The research is related to a wide range of fields, including, e.g., aerosol physics, quantum physics, material physics, light-matter interaction, laser applications, computational methods and software development. The objective of the Unit is to balance basic and industrially applicable research, having both performed with excellence in each of the research areas.
The positions will be filled for a fixed-term period of 3 months, commencing on 1 June 2025 or as mutually agreed. Trial period of 1 month applies.
1. Aerosol physics
Aerosol particles significantly affect ambient air quality and human health and play an important role in the climate system through seeding clouds and influencing radiative balance. Our research fields include aerosol instrumentation, combustion aerosols, atmospheric aerosols, aerosol chemistry, aerosol nanoparticle synthesis and nanostructured coatings. The strategic aim is to study anthropogenic emissions in a wider context including atmospheric relevance and fate. Our approach is both experimental and computational and covers topical items such as molecular level aerosol precursor formation, subsequent nanoparticle/cluster production and ultimate formation of secondary aerosols.
2. Computational physics
Modeling and simulations have an increasing role in fundamental sciences and they are also pivotal in the analysis, interpretation and exploitation of Big Data. The Computational Physics Laboratory develops and uses advanced methodological and numerical tools for various applications in modern physics. Our current activities include material and molecular modelling, electronic structure theory, quantum control and dynamics, topological quantum matter, statistical physics, low-dimensional nanomaterials and multidisciplinary challenges in, e.g., computational cardiology.
Photonics, as an enabling technology similarly to electronics, underpins much of modern science and knowledge-intensive technology. Our vision is that the next revolution in photonics will rely on new advanced light sources, on exquisite control of light fields, as well as on new materials and nanostructures with tailorable and tunable optical properties. Advances in these fields will provide new capabilities in the future for multiple application areas such as medicine, communication, solar energy and monitoring of the environment.
We are looking for science and engineering students who enjoy problem solving and are able to think independently, while also being able to work in an international and multidisciplinary research environment, and have good social and team working skills. Potential candidate is a 2nd – 4th year student – or in exceptional cases a first-year student – who has a good study record in physics, mathematics and/or chemistry. A good command of English, both in writing and in oral presentations, will be an asset.
We offer:
The summer trainee position is the perfect chance for being part of a vibrant, international and multicultural research environment, which will not only provide insight on the research world itself, but will also represent a possibility to get in touch with cutting-edge research. Moreover, summer trainees are encouraged to discuss BSc and MSc thesis topics related to the trainee period with the group leaders. Many of our summer trainees continue towards BSc/MSc thesis, and some of them proceed towards doctoral studies.
The salary will be based on both the job demand level and the employee's personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary System. According to the criteria applied to teaching and research staff, the position of the Research Assistant is placed on the job demand level 1. In addition, employees will receive performance-based salary, which for Research Assistants is based on their study credits. A typical starting salary for Research assistant is approximately 2200 euros / month.
How to apply:
Please submit your application by the online application form. Applications and attachments must be written in English. Applications must be enclosed with CV, letter of motivation and transcript of studies in pdf format. Please note that applicants may be invited to participate to an interview throughout the application time and therefore we encourage to apply as soon as possible.
Closing date for applications is on Monday, 27 January 2025 (23:59 EET / 21:59 UTC).
You can apply to all the laboratories of Physics Unit with a single application. In the application form please indicate your priority of research area (Aerosol / Computational / Photonics) and your secondary choices. All the applicants will be informed about the results of the selection as soon as possible during the evaluation process. Please note that in the selection process, priority is given to the students of Tampere University.
For more information, please contact:
Aerosol Physics: Professor Jorma Keskinen (jorma.keskinen (at)
Computational Physics: Professor Lasse Laurson (lasse.laurson (at)
Photonics: Professor Juha Toivonen (juha.toivonen (at)
About the recruitment process: HR-specialist Tuula Jaakola (tuula.jaakola (at)
Tampereen yliopisto on Suomen toiseksi suurin ja yksi monialaisimmista yliopistoista. Yliopistomme kytkee yhteen tekniikan, terveyden ja yhteiskunnan tutkimuksen ja koulutuksen. Yliopisto on tunnettu korkeatasoisesta koulutuksesta ja tutkimuksesta ja se tekee yhteistyötä satojen yliopistojen ja organisaatioiden kanssa maailmanlaajuisesti. Yhteisössämme on 21 000 opiskelijaa ja noin 4 000 työntekijää yli 80 maasta. Lue lisää:
Fysiikan yksikkö hakee kesätyöntekijöitä (20-30 kpl) kolmelle tutkimusalueelle: Aerosolifysiikkaan, Laskennalliseen fysiikkaan sekä Fotoniikkaan. Työpaikat on suunnattu pääsääntöisesti Tampereen yliopiston teknis-luonnontieteellisten alojen opiskelijoille. Tarjoamme kesätyöntekijöille sekä kokeellisia että laskennallisia työtehtäviä sekä mahdollisuuden uuden oppimiseen sekä haasteita ensimmäisistä päivistä lähtien. Kesätyöntekijän tehtävästä on mahdollisuus jatkaa diplomityöhön ja tutkijanuralle. Tutkimusta tehdään monilla eri aihealueilla, joihin kuuluvat mm. aerosolifysiikka, kvanttifysiikka, materiaalifysiikka, valon ja aineen vuorovaikutus, lasersovellukset sekä laskennalliset menetelmät ja ohjelmistot. Laboratorion periaatteena on toimia tasapainoisesti sekä perustutkimuksen että teollisten sovellutusten kehittämisen parissa.
Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä ja hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta. Jätäthän hakemuksesi yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki löytyy tämän ilmoituksen alta). Liitä hakemukseesi CV tai ansioluettelo sekä opintorekisteriote pdf-muodossa. Käsittelemme hakemuksia jo hakuaikana, joten haethan pian!
Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy maanantaina 27.01.2025 klo 23.59.
Voit samalla hakemuksella hakea kaikkiin fysiikan yksikön laboratorioihin. Merkitse sähköiselle hakemuslomakkeelle, mihin laboratorioon tai ryhmään ensisijaisesti olet hakemassa (priorisointi, 1. sija) ja missä muissa ryhmissä olisit kiinnostunut työskentelemään. Kaikille hakijoille tiedotetaan haun tuloksista mahdollisimman pian valintaprosessin edetessä.
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